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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

FOCUS quote

Couldn't help myself making one when I saw the kiddo concentrate on his task, whatever it was, it seemed very important. 

The quote is by Carol Lewis.
Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you'll win. Channel your energy. Focus.

Family communication centre

I have been trying out different wall organizers for ages now. Nothing really work and it sometimes felt like I spent more time planning it and writing it all down than anything else.  This one is basic, simple, effective enough and what's more important - quick and cheap to make. 

I got those writing pads from Target at $1 each.  The green goes with my kitchen color scheme so it worked just fine for me. 

Personalizing the headings and sticking them on a white sheet of paper with a double sided sticky tape, getting a white board marker was almost everything I needed. One Ikea glass frame later, the board was alive. 

Next time, I'll display the previous grand design for our failure that we called a communication centre.  Seemed like such a good idea at the time.. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bunk bed bunker

With a bit of an added lighting and a few homemade car props this otherwise wasted space has become a popular hangout to do puzzles is, play with cars, or to chill on a pillow with a book.  

Cardboard box playmat

Leftover from IKEA table providing enough material for two playmats that can be altered in many, many ways. 

The purpose for my kiddo was very simple - car mat, with some nature (and car also) backgrounds from old magazines to point at and drive towards and an exit/entrance door for cars and trains.  

Very fast to make, has survived for 2 weeks already and the kid still plays with it.  

Cost: ZERO

 Toilet roll tunnel..
 A good place for TV watching..